Unsteady Numerical Investigation on Vortex Interaction between Rim Seal Purge Flow and Upstream Stator

Document Type : Regular Article


School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, ‎China



To assess unsteady vortex interaction between rim seal purge flow and upstream stator, numerical ‎investigations were conducted under different purge flow rates. The vortex distributions for the stator and ‎cavity were investigated and the interaction processes near the cavity exit, in particular the vorticity ‎change resulting from the ingress and egress, were analyzed. Results show the intensity of hub passage ‎vortex (HPV) and hub trailing shedding vortex (HTSV) at stator exit is decreased as a consequence of ‎enhancing blockage effects caused by the egress flow. However, when the purge flow rate increases, ‎from stator exit to downstream of cavity exit, the reduction in the intensity of two vortices is weakened as ‎the extrusion of egress flow thins their vortex tubes. The vortex inside the cavity is generated as the ‎combined effect of relative rotation of cavity walls and non-uniform circumferential pressure mainly ‎imposed by upstream stator. The ingress leads the positive axial vorticity near the stator hub to ingest into ‎the cavity and eject into the main passage due to the blockage of purge flow. Furthermore, the interaction ‎between the ingress of the mainstream and purge flow produces local negative axial vorticity. The egress ‎flow carries negative axial vorticity mainly originated from the rotational cavity wall, and enters into the ‎main flow passage near the rotating hub, then locations of HPV and HTSV move to the mid-span slightly ‎with the extrusion of egress flow‎.


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Volume 15, Issue 2 - Serial Number 63
March and April 2022
Pages 465-474
  • Received: 06 February 2021
  • Revised: 31 August 2021
  • Accepted: 23 September 2021
  • Available online: 31 January 2022