
Review Policy

The general review policy in JAFM is to: 

 - keep the manuscript confidential

 - do not copy or distribute the manuscript to third parties

 - do not disclose or use the manuscript information for any purposes

 - provide your comments and viewpoints to the Editors of JAFM only

Please note that the comments remain confidential and can only be accessed by the Editors and the Director of JAFM.

The reviewers are kindly requested to give the assigned manuscripts the same consideration they want one of their manuscripts to receive. If the reviewers find the submission is out of their expertise, they can decline it and introduce their colleagues as a replacement. In such cases, we warmly invite you to contribute to the success of JAFM by recommending JAFM to your friends and colleagues.

In general, for every assigned manuscript you will have to fill out an evaluation form which its items concern with:

-  The general novelty and contribution of the manuscript to JAFM aims and scope in general

-  The accurate reflection of the content within the manuscript title

-  The comprehensiveness of the Abstract

-  The validity, reliability and soundness of the methodology

-  The plausibility of the extracted conclusions from the results


How to Review for JAFM

Here are the steps you can follow for reviewing a manuscript in JAFM.

  • Login to the JAFM website with the username and password sent to you by the registration system. (You can also use the direct link in the JAFM review invitation for immediate access to your account)
  • Choose the “Reviewer” role from the right-side column
  • The new invitations (those you have not decided whether to review or not) are in “New Reviewer Invitation”. If you click “Manuscript ID” here, you will have access to the Manuscript and Authors’ information in two separate columns at the bottom of the page. At the top of the page (Agree/Decline), after reviewing the Abstract, you can choose whether to agree or decline the review invitation.
  • When you agree to review, the manuscript moves to “Pending Assignments”. Again, by clicking on the Manuscript ID, you will have access to the “related files” uploaded by the author, including the manuscript main file as well as the research highlights, which can be downloaded from the green arrow at the right side of the rows. A digital evaluation form also appears within which JAFM criteria for acceptable submissions need to be assessed by you. At the right side of each question item, you can “reset” your answer and try another choice, or you can provide additional comments if needed. Items 9 and 10 are very helpful for the editorial board for a final decision, therefore we appreciate that if you can feel these two parts in detail. Finally, two separate sections are allocated to your comments addressing the authors and the Editor-in-Chief. You can also the tagged or commented files at the end of this evaluation form.
  • Please remember to choose one final vote for your review at the bottom of the evaluation form and click on “Send to Editor”.
  • The manuscripts you have already commented on are available at “Completed Assignments”, and those you have declined to review are available at “Declined Assignments”. “Closed Assignments” are those manuscripts you have commented on and finalized by JAFM.

 Review Timing

When a manuscript is assigned to a reviewer, he/she will be informed by an automatic email. The reviewer should kindly log in to the JAFM website and accept or reject reviewing the manuscript within 5 days. If the reviewer chooses to review the manuscript, he/she will provide comments to JAFM after reviewing which we request to be within a month. In cases you are in the middle of reviewing the manuscript and the process is delayed due to an unexpected event you can contact and request a minor time extension (at most 15 days). Finally, your time for second round of review (if you are chosen for), during which you are required to assess the accuracy and plausibility of authors' modifications, will be due within 15 days.

JAFM is grateful to have your contribution as a reviewer despite your busy schedule. The above time table is for guaranteeing the speedy review process and maintaining the quality of review. We appreciate your timeliness and your kind contribution.

Become a Referee

We feel very positive about the support of you as the reviewer of JAFM, and will warmly invite you to contribute to the success of JAFM by recommending JAFM to your friends and colleagues. The review board requests should be sent to JAFM office through