Design and Simulation of the Spiral Micromixer with Chaotic Advection

Document Type : Regular Article


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, 110042, India



In recent years, the microfluidics technique has screwed up rising attention and be in progress a fascinating topic. Species mixing is a compelling part of any microfluidic system that abides by the major challenge. In this research, a relative explication of mixing quality of microchannels of two cross-sections square and circular in spiral form is presented by numerical simulation. To perform the visitation, geometric parameters like axial length of microchannels and hydraulic diameter are taken equal for both cases. Computational Fluid Dynamics codes unriddle the Continuity equation, Navier-Stokes equation, and Convection-Diffusion equation. Explication of fluid flow and mixing have been gone through with an extensive limit of Reynolds numbers 1 to 125. The results explicate that the circular section spiral microchannel affords a higher mixing quality admixed to the square section spiral microchannel. Furthermore, in the circumstance of circular section spiral micromixer, mixing index esteem has attained 92% at Re =125.  For both section micromixer, the esteem of mixing index enhancement be contingent on Reynolds numbers. For both cases, pressure downfall has been computed for microchannels of similar lengths. The esteem of pressure downfall in square section spiral mixer is excess than circular section spiral mixer. The simulation outcomes exhibited that the circular section spiral micromixer is an effective design for microfluidic devices like Lab on a chip (LOC).


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