Effect of Different Types of External Guide Vanes on the Performance of High-Pressure Centrifugal Compressor

Document Type : Regular Article


Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Madras, Tamil Nadu, 600036, India



In order to reduce exit swirl and obtain the desired Mach number, axial exit guide vanes (EGV) are often employed in a centrifugal compressor. NASA CC3 compressor, with wedge vane diffuser and without EGV, is considered as the base model for the analysis and validation. An axial flow domain with exit guide vane is added to this base model after the diffuser outlet to study the effect on the compressor performance. The performance of exit guide vane with different profiles: flat plate, symmetric wedge, circular arc, and airfoil vane profiles by maintaining the same chord, number of vanes, and flow angle of the vanes are studied. Numerical simulations are carried out with 60 number of exit guide vanes for all four types of vanes. Among several combinations, when the centrifugal compressor is equipped with 60 circular arc vanes as EGV, the efficiency and pressure recovery values at the design point have increased by 6.5% and 8.9%, respectively.


Main Subjects

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