Study on the Shock Wave Characteristics of Spherical and Cylindrical Explosives in Near-field Underwater Explosion

Document Type : Regular Article


1 China Ship Scientific Research Center, Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214082, China

2 Taihu Laboratory of Deep-sea Technology Science, Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214082, China

3 National Key Laboratory of Ship Structural Safety, Wuxi, China, Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214082, China


Underwater explosions are applied across diverse sectors and present considerable risks to marine infrastructures. Therefore, precise prediction of shockwave loading characteristics for various charge shapes during underwater explosions is critical. This study presents a novel compressible multiphase fluid solver, developed to accurately simulate shockwave propagation and the dynamics of multiphase interfaces. A spatial discretization of the system equations utilizes a fifth-order Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) scheme for reconstruction, whereas temporal discretization employs a third-order Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) scheme implemented via Runge–Kutta methods. Furthermore, the description of the detonation reaction incorporates a newly developed programmed burn model. The interface dynamics are captured through the application of the level-set method. The solver was initially validated by comparing the propagation results of detonation waves against established data in the literature. Both the simulated peak pressures and shockwave histories closely matched theoretical and experimental data. Different geometries of TNT charges were then analyzed to investigate shockwave propagation in near-field underwater explosions. The newly developed compressible multiphase solver, incorporating detonation reactions, precisely captured the early stages of shockwave propagation. This research offers vital technical insights for accurately predicting shockwave dynamics in near-field underwater explosions in complex scenarios.


Main Subjects

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