Numerical Study on Aerodynamic Characteristics of H-Darrieus Wind Turbine with Blunt Trailing-edge Airfoil

Document Type : Regular Article


School of Energy and Power Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200093, PR China


The present study numerically examines the aerodynamic performance of an H-type vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) utilizing airfoils with blunt trailing edges (BTE). A comprehensive series of numerical analysis was conducted to assess the impact of BTE airfoil design variables, including trailing-edge thickness and baseline configuration, on the power generation capabilities of the H-type VAWT. The results indicate that an increase in trailing edge thickness correlates with a higher power coefficient at low tip speed ratios (TSRs). When the trailing edge thickness is 3% of the airfoil’s chord length, the power coefficient of the vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) at low tip speed ratios can increase by up to 33.2% compared to the original wind turbine. Additionally, the maximum power efficiency can be improved by 2.94%. Furthermore, the BTE airfoil design, which is achieved by rotating the airfoil’s upper and lower surfaces around the leading edge, can result in a more favorable BTE airfoil configuration with respect to its aerodynamic characteristics. The current study reveals that the BTE airfoils present significant potential for urban wind energy utilization, as the reduced operational velocities of BTE airfoils lead to lower noise emissions and heightened safety measures for VAWTs, rendering them an appropriate choice for integration into urban settings.


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