Hydrodynamic Performance of Cycloidal Propellers with Four-Bar and Mixed Four-bar/Five-bar Mechanisms: A Numerical Study

Document Type : Regular Article


School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 211189, China



Cycloidal propellers constitute a specialized category of underwater propulsion devices, widely employed in vehicles requiring exceptional maneuverability. The parameters of the blade-driving mechanism directly impact the propeller performance. Hence, the effect of variations in the geometric parameters of the blade-driving mechanism on the hydrodynamic performance of cycloidal propellers must be investigated. In this study, a specific set of four-bar and mixed four-bar/five-bar mechanisms are taken as examples, and the effect of linkage-length variations on the hydrodynamic performance of cycloidal propellers was analyzed using numerical simulation methods. First, we established a physical model of the cycloidal propeller, and then derived the relationship between blade-rotation and revolution angles. Subsequently, by solving the Navier–Stokes equations and employing computational fluid dynamics simulations based on viscosity, an analysis is conducted to reveal the trends in the impact of different linkage-length combinations on the hydrodynamic performance of the cycloidal propeller. Finally, the outcomes of the numerical simulations are interpreted using the wing element theory. In similar blade-driving mechanisms, the effects of varying linkage lengths on propeller hydrodynamic performance are determined through alterations in the blade rotation angle range and equilibrium position. An increase in the range of the blade-rotation angle significantly enhances the hydrodynamic performance of the cycloidal propeller. This research employs a more realistic auto-propulsion mode for numerical simulations, establishing a mapping relationship between the blade-driving mechanism and hydrodynamic performance of the cycloidal propeller, while analyzing the underlying influencing mechanisms. Furthermore, crucial numerical simulations and theoretical foundations are employed for designing the four-bar and mixed four-bar/five-bar mechanism cycloidal propellers. The findings of this study could also be used in similar cycloidal propellers with multilinkage mechanism. 


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